Minutes of the
March 5, 2019
Oak Lake Community Center
The meeting was called to order at 6:20 PM
1) ROLL CALL – Board members present were:
Robert Posner
Keith Kotrady
Andy Cagnetta
Sandra Veszi Einhorn – absent
Charles Flaxman – absent
Jonathan Garber – Flying Chimp Media
Other people – Karen Lieberman, Attorney
There were no members of the public present.
2) Motion of minutes of Feb 5, 2019, approved. (Andy Cagnetta motion to approve, 2nd by Keith Kotrady)
3) Communications – Posner reviewed the website and proposal from Flying Media along with Jonathan Garber. Cagnetta made a motion to accept the proposal and give Posner the ability to spend up to 8,000. Keith second. All in favor.
4) Critical Dates – went over board members terms.
5) Budget and Financials – Andy distributed to the Board members the District’s current Profit and Loss Statement and that was prepared by our new CPA firm Charles A. Krblich, PA. advised that there was currently about $143,000 in the account.
6) Discussion of the Patrol – Discussed the patrol hours coverage. Considered night shift. Keith will get the stats for crime in the neighborhood over the last few months. Posner met with the Chief of Police, all was good.
7) Security equipment – Spoke about signs and replacing Crime Watch with new signs at all entrances as they are old and in disrepair. Keith will follow up. See sign pictures below. (note there is no sign at N35th St and N46th Ave)
8) Future Dates – for meetings Tuesday July 2nd. Thursday September 12th. Wednesday 25th.
9) Adjourn – The meeting adjourned at 7:30 PM. Next meeting April 2nd, Tuesday, Oak Lake Community Center.